USA and Canada

Xtreme Marketplace Global can only ship to addresses located in the USA and Canada.
We cannot accept orders or ship products to any other countries.
Orders are shipped from our location in Maple Grove, Minnesota and generally shipped within one (1) business day.
You will receive a shipping notification by email with a tracking link when your order is shipped.
There are three options to choose during checkout prior to submitting your order. Below are the options and estimated business days for your package to arrive after your order is shipped from our warehouse.
- Standard Shipping (3-6 days)
- Expedited Shipping (2-3 days)
- *Will Call Pickup
*If you live in Minnesota and would like to pick up your order from our office during normal business hours Monday - Friday
XtremeMPG Corporate
9060 Zachary Ln Suite 104Maple Grove, MN