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Helps Optimize Fuel Economy |
Boosts Octane |
Reduces Emissions |
Made in the USA |
Improves Power & Performance |
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Fuel Economy |
Boost Octane |
Reduce Emissions |
Made in USA |
Increase Power |
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The Number 1 Topic People around the World are discussing is the high price of gasoline and diesel fuel...
We have the Solution!
Works with all classes of engines
MPG X-Cap works with all classes of engines that use gasoline and diesel fuel. Use the X-Caps in every tank of fuel to experience the benefits and savings yourself!
- Passenger Cars
- Trucks
- SUVs
- Fleet Vehicles
- Semi-Trucks
- Farm Machinery
- Construction Equipment
- Buses
- Taxicabs
- Recreational Vehicles
- Watercraft
- Motorcycles
- Stationary Generators

How do the Xtreme X-Caps® differ from the typical highly diluted bottled products designed for the same purpose?
Most bottled products start out with the same active ingredients as X-Caps® powdered or granulated fuel detergents and combustion additives that are then dissolved in a carrier fluid. For fuel products, the carrier might be something like paint thinner or diesel fuel. For coolant and windshield products, the carrier is water. The resultant tablet alternative may weight 3 grams or less and provide all the benefits of a 12 oz. - 1 gal. bottle that contains up to 98% or more carrier fluid.
What are Xtreme X-Caps® and what are the benefits?
X-Caps are a multi-functional fuel additive that combines and compresses well established active ingredients into a fast-dissolving Caplet. When added to gasoline or diesel, MPG X-Caps completely dissolves and thoroughly mixes with the hydrocarbon fuel to:
- Increase Octane and Power
- Reduce smoke and harmful emissions
- Help to improve fuel economy
- Keeps the combustion chamber clean
- Acts as a lead substitute, if needed
How rapidly does a standard one gram X-Caps® tablet dissolve?
Depending on the aromatic quality of the local gasoline or diesel, X-Caps® will completely dissolve in 25 to 40 minutes after being added to the tank.
Is Xtreme X-Caps® safe for use in all gasoline and diesel engines?
X-Caps are a safe and effective for all gasoline, ‘flex fuels’, ethanol blended gasoline, diesel and bio diesel. The X-Caps® chemistry promotes and improves combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. That means that X-Caps® produces a more complete burn which results in improved engine efficiency and reduced emissions.
How can the same Cap be used in both gasoline/petrol and diesel?
The combustion process for any type of hydrocarbon fuel is essentially the same, particularly when involving an internal combustion engine. X-Caps® chemistry improves the combustion of this fuel irrespective of the engine type. That means gasoline or diesel engines get more of a complete combustion which results in more power, less smoke and emission and increased fuel economy.
How often should I use X-Caps®
For maximum benefit, use the recommended size of X-Caps® with each and every fill up. X-Caps® improves the fuel, so when the fuel from that fill up is gone, so are most of the benefits of X-Caps®.
How many tablets should I use per fill up?
That depends on the quantity of gallons or litters of the fill up. X-Caps® comes in a variety of sizes for many different tank size and fill capacities. In some parts of the world, consumer vehicles routinely hold approximately 30 liters /8 gallons. For them, the X-Caps® Compact half gram tablet is preferred. In other markets, where larger vehicles have 60 liter/16 gallon tanks and most fill ups are in that range, the X-Caps® one gram Caplet is the answer for more power and performance, a reduction in emissions and smoke and better fuel economy. X-Caps® comes in many sizes as well as a range of vials of granulated product for heavy-duty trucks, industrial applications and bulk tank treatments.
Does X-Caps® increase octane?
One of the benefits of X-Caps® is an increase in octane. One regular one gram tablet in 60 liters/16 gallons of gas will, on average, increase octane by a noticeable 6 to 8 points. The improvements are greater in gasoline that is low in octane. Such low octane gasoline can be found in many markets outside of the U.S. and ‘old’ Europe.
Can X-Caps® be used in smaller engines such as those found on motorcycles, jet skis, quads, home generators, lawnmowers, snow blowers or other power tools?
There are X-Caps® packages that are specifically sized for smaller engines. These include motorbike and motorcycles and all manner of recreation toys and small household products like garden equipment and emergency generators.
What kind of fuel economy improvement might I expect?
Use of X-Caps®, formula, improves combustion. Improved combustion results in more power and greater economy. Drivers who continue to drive in the same manner should experience improvement of 8-12 percent in fuel economy. After 30 +years of this product and testing proves improve in the combustion, we occasionally hear of users who drive more aggressively when experiencing the additional power and performance provided by X-Caps®. Users with such aggressive driving habits will in fact experience poorer fuel economy.
I use your Caplet in my personal car. Do you have a product for my truck?
The X-Caps® fuel additive ranges also comes in fast dissolving ‘crumb’ form, which is packaged in assorted vials for ease of treating different on board and bulk storage tanks. You get the same improvements in power and economy with a reduction in smoke and harmful emissions without the mess of bottled additives.
I sometimes buy a competitive octane boost in a 12 oz. bottle. What is the difference between that product and the X-Caps® and other Octane Booster products?
In terms of net octane increase, X-Caps® Octane Booster delivers a greater octane increase than most bottled competitors. And the cost is generally much lower. Bottled products use a similar chemistry of active ingredients that actually does the job of raising octane, however, those ingredients are dissolved in a carrying fluid like diesel or petroleum solvent (paint thinner) and then the cocktail is bottled. X-Caps® compresses those same ingredients into a tablet which dissolves quickly and completely when added to fuel.
My car is ten years old and seems to NEED higher octane. Why?
As it ages, your engine REQUIRES greater octane in order to perform at the SAME level as it did when NEW. That phenomenon is called Octane Requirement Index (ORI) and happens to all engines as they age. There are many reasons -- wear and erosion of fine engine tolerances, deposits within the combustion chamber and in the fuel delivery system are the two most pronounced. When this happens, higher octane gasoline is required to get the same engine performance as you had when the vehicle was new.
They offer 92 and 96 octane gasoline in Europe. Why is octane so much higher there than in the U.S.?
The octane sold at retail is the same in Europe as in the United States. They do, however, calculate and post the number differently. Gasoline octane in the U.S. and other North American markets post the average of the two test protocols used for testing octane. The average between the Motor Octane Number (MON) and the Research Octane Number (RON) is the number posted on the pump. This compares to Europe and many Asian and African markets where the RON measurement is the same number posted on the pump. So, while there appears to be an actual difference in octane, there is, in fact, only a different protocol to figure the number. For example, 91 Octane in the U.S. is probably identical to 96 octane in Germany.
The X-Caps® A competitive bottle octane boost claims to increase octane 6 points. Which is better?
Each 10 “points” of octane add up to one “number”. So, if a bottled octane booster claims to add 6 points, addition of that additive to 91 octane gas will result in 91.6 octane. However, if two X-Caps® Caplet l are added to 91 octane gasoline, the resultant 2 “numbers” will bump it to 93 octane!
How important is octane?
Correct octane is one of many elements that lend it to getting all the performance, economy and power from you engine. But increased octane is what the performance buffs and people in the know want. They know that higher octane means faster, smoother acceleration and pick up. And, many cars specify high octane fuel requirements in their owner’s manual. Most modern engines that utilize high compression ratios and fuel injection require reasonably high octane to even get those engines running.
I have a 1964 Oldsmobile 442. With regular gasoline, the car seems to run very poorly. Why?
Most of the classic ‘muscle’ cars required high octane gasoline. Those engines were designed for full leaded “Ethyl” or “High Test”. Today’s gasoline is a far cry from what those muscle car owners could buy at the pump. Use of X-Caps® goes a long way in recreating that power and performance from many of those vintage engines.
I have an older Harley that is designed for leaded gasoline and, absent that, requires a “lead substitute”. Do I break a piece off a one gram tablet and use that and does it supply the protection of lead?
X-Caps fuel Caps act as a "lead substitute". For U.S. sized motorcycles, X-Caps® offers a specially sized tablet. The X-Caps® range also offers ‘motorbike’ tablets (X-Caps® 8L pouch) for those 70 to 150cc bikes and scooters popular in overseas markets with smaller onboard tank capacity.
The owners manual of our new vehicle says not to use anything containing octane booster MMT methtlylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricorbonyl or maganese based compounds. Please advise if the X-Caps contain either of these ingredients.
X-Caps do not contain manganese (MMT) or manganese based compounds.

I'm able to drop down to regular unleaded fuel because the octane boost in the X-Caps allows me to meet the premium octane requirements without using premium.

I drive a 2022 Chevy 4x4. My mileage increased enormously but better than that, I have been able to switch from 93 octane to 87. That saves me $24 per tank on just the switch in octane.

I drive a 2015 Nissan Altima and I started out with 35MPG. As soon as I put in the caps in my car and after a couple pumps in, I jumped to 43 MPG! This WORKS

I drive a 2017 Nissan Altima Sports Edition. Before I began using the X-caps I was getting 27 miles per gallon. I am now getting 33-34.4 miles to the gallon!
*These are actual results reported by these satisfied customers. Individual results will vary based on things like weather, driving habits, type of fuel, engine condition and other factors.